Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sorry… that’s a one way!

If you are one of those lucky few who have been residing in the electronic city, I am sure you know what I am talking about. To my utter surprise, every second lane in the town happens to be unidirectional. I still keep wondering why! Initially I thought that the roads were not wide enough to accommodate traffic and so they are one ways. But, after touring the city, my research findings concluded that the roads are not at all narrow. On the contrary, majority of the one ways are broader than the two-way roads (ohh! they call it double roads here). Secondly, I always thought that one ways decrease the intensity of traffic, but in Bengalaru, it’s exactly opposite. Rather than being a convenience, these infinite one ways become a nuisance to the commoners. This results to horrible jams, not only during the peak hours, but at any hour of the day.

Just the other day, I and one of my friend; who also happens to be from Ahmedabad were wander lusting in the city, when we decided to stop and grab a bite. Now since both of us were not familiar with the geography and the language, you won’t believe, but it took almost half day to find the place we were looking for. Well, if had be any other day, you can surely blame it on my indecisiveness, but that day, I being the one who had spent more time in the city I did knew the place. The only problem was that I lost track of the road, thanks to these stupid one ways. And like they say, one thing leads to another, similar thing happened, one way led to another one way and then to yet another one way and by the time we found the way out, the man in khaki caught us for motoring on a one way, from the opposite side.

Almost similar incident happened yesterday where we took a bit longer to decide what to eat, yeah this time around you can say that it was due to our confusedness that we missed the turn and ended up eating some bizarre stuff at some bizarre place.

I guess, just like the other denizens, eventually even I would get used to these one-ways, but till then I think I will be often saying to myself, ‘sorry that’s a one way’!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahah... b'lore traffic is like a national issue, the more its gets discussed about , the less is done to solve it... and i have never seen a hopeless road system like this, 10th cross, 11th man , 25 th block... uff.. my brains pop out , trying to figure out the right route..
but finally did u get to the place u wanted to go.??

nice blog..