Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thankfully, I am in creatives!

At times I feel what would have happened if I was on the wrong side of the fence. Before you guys start thinking aloud, let me tell you that the thing which is going to follow has got nothing to do with my views on marriage. But, it’s what I feel for my colleagues of branding team.

Well, the other day I was thinking that creative guys would surely be and exception to the saying ‘grass is always greener on the other side’. For them the grass is always greener on their side since being on the other side of the fence would mean that you are ready to be treated as underdogs. Where many people in the agency call them ‘enlightened delivery boys’ I have great amount of respect for branding executives. Being part of creative team is pretty satisfying, but what about the servicing guys?

I can’t imagine how my life would be if I were in servicing!

I would be compelled to work closely with the studio guys (not literary closely, virtually closely) on various assignments, even after being treated like a step twin. I would be treating clients as godfathers, as their remarks would directly be proportional to my appraisals. Right from dawn to dusk, I would be busy checking mails and answering calls, even while I am in the loo or lunch dates.

If that is not enough, at least twice in the week I would be forced to travel to the other end of the town in name of client meeting and collect their so-called creative briefs. Back in office till late, I would be researching to draft a creative brief which no matter how good it is seems, creatives would surely nail down at every alternative point the next day. As a friendly gesture, I would be rectifying grammatical & syntax errors of my juniors.

Even after such a hectic day, I would be accompanying the creative guys in the conference rooms for nail-biting brainstorming sessions. Not to mention, dinner dates not permissible since most of creatives believe in burning the midnight oil. I bet not to differ during such sessions, unless I am able to rationalize my opinions (un-welcomed & un-wanted) with sheer determination and courage, else am the only one who has to face the consequences.

During such sessions, I would be feeling that I am the only one in the room who does not know 'what the client wants’. Wait, the day has not ended yet. Media guys are looking for me all over the place since they feel that without my expertise, they cannot draw up a media strategy for such a stingy client. Gosh! Did I just forget to write the minutes of the meeting!!! God, I am so much in trouble.

Thank god, I am in creatives!


ruSh.Me said...

Ya... Servicing SUCKS!!!!

Meet Kaur said...

true!! v true!!
miss those times! n pray i never get a servicing life!!

Amit Charles said...



Well, a perspective well converged into words.

Wonder what they think about their job?

Maybe, you should try askin some;)
Impressive blog.
keep it rollin;)

Smriti said...

hey babe,
you sure made me realise that even though i am confused about the future...i certainly know what i DONOT want to do...and thats servicing! haha...thanks for the reminder! i liked it